About us


Who we are

Treevive contributes to the expansion and protection of tropical forest landscapes and the increase in much needed finance for this. Despite their enormous potential to mitigate climate change and halt biodiversity loss, tropical forest landscapes are still underfunded and undervalued.

Treevive is an impact-driven company that aims to conserve, restore, and sustainably manage two million hectares of tropical forest landscapes by 2030. We close the gap between tropical forest landscape projects in need of financial solutions and investors that seek high-quality, bankable projects for their biodiversity and carbon commitments. We support project owners with funding and technical assistance to accelerate the development of the carbon asset of their project.

We market the results of these projects – including its biodiversity and local community’s benefits – by offering companies that want to offset their unavoidable CO₂ emissions high quality forest carbon credits. Treevive acts as a revolving structure; the generated profits flow forward to fund new forest projects.

Click here for our projects

Our mission

We contribute to the acceleration of private sector climate finance for the long-term conservation, restoration and sustainable management of tropical forest landscapes that deliver multiple social and environmental impacts. To do so we bring together seed capital and skills to transform ideas into investment-ready tropical forest landscape projects. These projects have access to investment capital and the international market for carbon credits.


Our values

Our values are our biggest asset. These five guiding values translates in high-quality, transparent and trustful services and agreements to obtain the best value for our clients and stakeholders. Together we take the initiative and decisive action to stand up and work for a greener and healthier planet.






Meet our team

Treevive’s core team consists of experts with a passion for forest conservation in the fight against climate change. We are impact-driven and well-qualified professionals with many years of experience in different working fields.

Liesbeth Gort

Co-founder and CEO


Liesbeth Gort

With an extensive track record of developing social projects and start-ups in Asia and Africa, and leading FSC NL, Liesbeth leads Treevive to create lasting social and environmental impact.

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Michel Schuurman

Director Business Development


Michel Schuurman

Building on 15 years of experience in sustainable business innovation and managing public-private partnerships regarding natural resources, Michel guides Treevive’s business development.
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Christiaan Spencer

Project Officer


Christiaan Spencer

With a background in biology, forestry and nature conservation projects, Christiaan fuels Treevive’s mission to develop high-quality forest carbon projects.

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Thomas Reyal

Investment Manager


Thomas Reyal

With 10 years of experience in finance and investing, including 5+ years in Africa, Thomas contributes his expertise in supporting innovative SMEs and sustainable ventures to Treevive’s mission.
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Therese Prisse

Associate Expert


Therese Prisse

Therese brings in her extensive experience in business development and negotiation to support and advice the team with contracting, quality assurance and policy development.

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Miranda Mars

Communications Officer


Miranda Mars

Miranda empowers Treevive with her anthropology and marketing background and supports Treevive with storytelling skills, marketing and communications.

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Rik Sools

Forestry Investment Associate


Rik Sools

Rik’s extensive experience in designing and managing large scale sustainable forest landscape projects and securing the accompanying investments makes him the perfect investment manager.Get in contact

Jeroen Dunnink

Financial Manager


Jeroen Dunnink

Jeroen brings in his corporate finance experience to support and steer the team towards achieving financial and non-financial goals.

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Paul Hol



Paul Hol

Paul brings three decades of experience and networks in finding effective solutions and financing for large scale reforestation and landscape restoration activities worldwide.
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Martine Reitsma

Management Assistent


Martine Reitsma

Martine supports our financial department, handles insurances, and manages office administration to ensure smooth operations and a safe, positive work environment
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We are empowered and strategically collaborating with Form International to provide technical services for project design, development, and support. Together, we form a strong team of passionate and dedicated professionals, including highly qualified experts in forestry, carbon, ESG, finance, and legal fields, with over 30 years of global experience.

In addition, we work closely with our partners, other technical service providers, and a diverse network of international experts worldwide.

Meet the team of Form International Meet our partners

Advisory Board

Treevive has an advisory board of four members that have extensive expertise and networks in business administration, sustainability, finance and forestry.

Nanno Kleiterp


Tom Hazen


Linda Broekhuizen


Pieter Zuidema


Why work with us

Our experience and skills

  • Treevive is powered by Form International. Together we build on 30 years of hands-on expertise in the development, investment and implementation of forest landscape projects in tropical regions in Africa, Latin America and Asia. These include afforestation, reforestation and revegetation (ARR), Improved Forest Management (IFM), REDD+ and agroforestry.
  • Form International is experienced in the development and certification of forest carbon projects and delivers a wide range of forest expertise.

Our drivers and business model

  • All Treevive staff members have a strong track record in sustainable forest management and/or corporate sustainability. We are all intrinsically motivated to achieve our mission.
  • Our business model is transparent and fair; The vast majority of the generated revenues flow to the forest owner and local communities via a revenue share model.
  • Treevive is set up as a revolving structure; our earnings flow forward to finance new projects.

Our relentless strive for lasting impact

  • Because of our focus on long-lasting impact, we strive for the highest quality in everything we do. This means we apply strict quality and integrity standards to ensure strong climate, community and biodiversity benefits in compliance with international agreements, carbon and forestry certification standards and ESG requirements.
  • It also means we only engage with high-quality carbon buyers: companies that are ambitiously and transparently reducing their GHG-emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, and only use offsetting to mitigate their currently unavoidable emissions. And as natural climate solutions are by nature long-term, this is also how we see our relationships and commitments.

Progress report

We are committed to driving positive change and maintaining transparency as we navigate the journey of creating impact. Acknowledging the time it takes for the substantial outcomes of our initiatives to fully materialize, we understand the challenge of providing immediate results. To keep you informed about the progress we’re making towards achieving impact, we are pleased to present the first Treevive progress report. We trust that this report will not only inform you but also serve as a source of inspiration, and prompt you to (further) action.

Download the Treevive Progress Report (2024)