Papua New Guinea – Forcert

Papua New Guinea – Forcert

Empowering communities and protecting forests in Papua New Guinea

Nestled in Papua New Guinea’s East New Britain Province, the Tavolo REDD+ Project is developed by the NGO FORCERT in close collaboration with the Tavolo community.

The project coveres 21,164 ha of ancestral land and aims to empower the local community to tackle deforestation and land conversion challenges in the region. An important aspect of this project is the prevention of planned deforestation, a proactive strategy of preventing intentional and premeditated clearing of forests by commercial organizations.

The project prevents 5M tons of CO2 emissions over a span of 30 years. Certified under both VCS and CCB standards, it’s committed to environmental sustainability and community well-being. The project has set up the PNG Communities Benefits from Environmental Services Trust (BEST) for the Tavolo Community and envisions sustainable income through forest protection, nurturing a future where both nature and communities thrive, with income from carbon credits as a critical incentive for the community.

Project name: PNG Communities BEST REDD Tavolo Project

Location: Papua New Guinee, East New Britain

Project type: REDD+, Avoided planned deforestation from logging

Project proponent: FORCERT (Website Forcert)

Project status: Registration and verification approval requested

Project area: 21164 ha

Project period: 30 years (start date: 23/01/2019)

Total emission reductions: 4.657.143 tCO2e

First expected issuance: 2024

Standard: Verified Carbon Standard

Photos copyright © 2023 FOFCERT. All rights reserved.

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  • 25/09/2023