Uganda – Green Environ Forestry

Uganda – Green Environ Forestry

Forest restoration and plantations in Northern Uganda

Green Environ Forestry (GEF) and its partners are dedicated to revitalizing Uganda’s forest landscape. Through a blend of natural forest restoration and commercial plantation, GEF focuses on sustainable land use. In collaboration with the Uganda National Forest Authority, GEF operates in a number of Central Forest Reserves.

The project began with a thorough pre-feasibility assessment, examining land pressures and ecosystem dynamics to ensure the highest standards of integrity and community well-being. By targeting areas for native reforestation and certification under the VCS, and analyzing the potential of teak plantations and carbon credits, GEF aims to restore degraded forests and create socio-economic opportunities.

This initiative tackles deforestation caused by illegal logging and grazing, promoting environmental and economic resilience. GEF and its technical partner, Form International, bring extensive experience from similar regional projects.

Project name: Plantation & forest restoration in Uganda

Location: Uganda, Northern Uganda

Project type: ARR, Forest restoration and commercial forestry

Project proponent: Green Environ Forestry (GEF)

Project status: Feasibility and project design

Project area: 19.000 ha

Project period: 30 years (start date: 01/01/2024)

Total emission reductions: 835.337 tCO2e

First expected issuance: 2029

Standard: Verified Carbon Standard

Photos copyright © 2024 Green Environ Forestry. All rights reserved.

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  • 03/06/2024