Peru – Pachamama Raymi

Peru – Pachamama Raymi

Afforestation and community development in the Peruvian Andes

Pachamama Raymi, a non-profit organization headquartered in Cusco, is dedicated to breaking the cycle of environmental degradation and rural poverty. The organization’s mission revolves around the improvement of living conditions and the sustainable management of natural resources for rural communities in the Peruvian Andes.

The initiative is focused on implementing reforestation practices alongside rural communities in extreme poverty. The project encompasses housing improvements, the establishment of small businesses, and the careful cultivation of trees. The planting strategy includes both pine trees and native species to enhance biodiversity and provide additional revenue streams for the communities.

Through carbon finance, Pachamama Raymi is poised to ensure long-term activities for plantation management and sustainable development, fostering a brighter future for both the people and landscapes of the Peruvian Andes.

Project name: Más Árboles

Location: Peru, Cusco

Project type: ARR, Community based landscape restoration
& plantations forestry

Project proponent: Pachamama Raymi Peru (Website PMR)

Project status: PDD development

Project area: 14.630 ha

Project period: 26 years (start date: 1/01/2023)

Total emission reductions: 842.602 tCO2e

First expected issuance: 2024

Standard: Plan Vivo V5.0


Photos copyright © 2023 Pachamama Raymi. All rights reserved.

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  • 04/08/2023