Forest landscape restoration in the Amazon rainforest in Peru

In Peru’s Pucallpa region, the Amazon rainforest that once thrived has given way to agricultural expansion, ranches, and land speculation. Form International Peru has risen to the challenge, embarking on a project aimed at restoring deforested and degraded land while fostering economic activities in the region.
Central to the initiative is the establishment of mixed forestry plantations featuring native tree species. This is complemented by the construction of a timber processing facility that will supply (FSC-certified) timber to both domestic and international markets. An innovative outgrower program aims to enhance a sustainable timber supply while improving agroforestry practices and livelihoods.
By investing in Amazon Restoration Company, you contribute to transforming degraded lands into an ecological buffer zone, facilitating the migration and re-establishment of diverse flora and fauna within the Amazon rainforest.
Project name: Amazon Forest Landscape Restoration Peru
Location: Peru, Ucayali Department
Project type: ARR, Landscape restoration and mixed native plantations
Project proponent: Amazon Restoration Company
Project status: PDD development
Standard: VCS VM0047+CCB
Project area: 13,000 ha
Project period: 50 years
Total emission reductions: 2,288,154 tCO2e
First issuance: 2028
Project ID:
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