Treevive wishes you a Merry Christmas and a healthy and sustainable 2023

Treevive – part of the solution for tropical forest landscapes.

For almost a year we have formed Treevive, together with Form International, to design and set up this forest carbon accelerator to channel climate finance to where it is most needed: tropical forest landscapes.

We are grateful to see our network grow and are proud to have the first investors and tropical forest landscape projects on board. This also means we are delivering the first batch of high-quality carbon credits to the market for companies that want to offset their currently unavoidable GHG emissions. So, we are now truly on our way to realizing our goal to restore, protect and sustainably manage two million hectares of tropical forest landscapes by 2030.

One of the highlights of this year was the announcement at the UN climate summit in Egypt by the UK’s Mobilizing Finance for Forests fund (MFF) to also invest into Treevive. The investment, which is managed by FMO (Dutch Entrepreneurial Development bank) helps us to develop and market Natural Climate Solutions and grow the pipeline for investors looking to invest in tropical forest landscape projects.

An example of such a project is a carbon certification project of a beautiful forest landscape in Congo. This vast area of pristine jungle is under threat of illegal logging and mining. The generation and sale of carbon credits can create much-needed revenue streams to enhance the protection of the forest. We are currently in the feasibility stage and look forward to sharing more about this project in the coming year.

We hope that the important agreements for biodiversity made at COP15 will provide motivation and inspiration to work even harder to protect tropical forest landscapes and global biodiversity. We are happy to be part of the solution and look forward to making even more impact with our partners next year!

On behalf of the Treevive team, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy and sustainable 2023.

Kind regards,

Liesbeth Gort and Michel Schuurman